For over two decades this misunderstanding has persisted, so it still bears repeating…Office is not free and it does not come with a new computer. Let me say that again, emphasizing two distinct points…
- Microsoft Office is not free
- Microsoft Office does not come free with the purchase of a new computer.
The first thought in anyone’s mind is “But wait, I know mine came with…”. This is what I want to clarify.
Windows vs Office
Microsoft makes the Windows operating system that comes with a new computer. The Windows operating system isn’t free. It is built into the cost of the computer, so most users do not see the cost of the OS.
Microsoft also makes the Office suite of programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) that virtually everyone knows by now. However, these two products get conflated…A LOT. A LOT. Microsoft Office may come installed on a new PC as a trial, and as a means of luring potential customers into using it and, hopefully, buying it. But Microsoft Office is not free, and it is not in any way related to the Windows operating system other than it is made by the same company…Microsoft. It comes in a ridiculous number of versions that a customer would have great difficulty in deciding which is the right one for them. We’ve made a spreadsheet (I’m not kidding about this one) detailing the many versions and what they offer. This is to assist a client in determining which (if any) version they need.
The important thing here to note is that the cost of Office, if it is required, must be budgeted separately from the price of a computer unless a license is already owned. A license can be transferred to a new PC, but a new license must be purchased separately from the PC purchase.